Thursday, September 26, 2013

John Murray classes week of September 30, 2013

Next week let's work on corrugated cardboard and see how that effects our vision.
A cheap and beautiful surface for experimental painting, many artists have used it with strong results.
Robert Rauschenberg's  work on cardboard used the material with logos, stamps and tape very unprocessed and fresh...others have applied paint, cut, folded and sprayed. 
What will you do? Please bring in boxes and pieces of any and all cardboard that you like.
Also, we will assemble the right-brain, non-dominant hand paintings and drawings that we did last week and see what was created and what we can make of it all. 
See you next week, john.

Friday, September 20, 2013

John Murray classes week of September 23, 2013

Second week of the Autumn Term!
Last week was exciting for me: new artists in class, fresh ideas and approaches.
NEXT WEEK: I would like to try a series of drawing/paintings on paper by every member of the class, which can be assembled into a single work the following week.
Every piece should be done with the artist's non-dominant hand!
Let's see what the collective unconscious of a class of artists looks like.

See you next week, john.

Monday, September 9, 2013

John Murray classes week of September 16, 2013

I appreciate your interest in my classes and passion for Art.
The Autumn 2013 term offers an opportunity to struggle with the daunting task of self-expression and plastic
investigation: you must have both to truly become an artist. If one had to ignore one of these however; I  would say skip the self -expression for awhile and pour yourself into material investigation. 
With that in mind I would like to offer an assignment for the first few classes: bring in a substance that you have never worked with before and see where it leads you (or doesn't).
See you next week, John