Monday, November 25, 2013

John Murray classes December 2 and 4, 2013

Who is this man?

Find out next week when Dan Elias visits my classes at lunch break Monday and Wednesday...
Stick around after morning class or come a little early for the afternoon class and meet our new director, ask him questions and offer suggestions for his consideration for NAC.
In terms of an assignment try thinking visually about the WINTER SOLSTICE and its attendant phenonena in regard to the bleak landscape, the clear cold nights, and the turning of the planet away from the Sun.
See you next week. John

Thursday, November 14, 2013

John Murray classes Nov. 18, 20 and 25, 2013

For the next 3 days of classes before the holiday I would like to stay with the scrap photo reference work of last week.
Above is a photo of Francis Bacon in his studio surrounded by scraps of reference that he cut from newspapers, magazines and found in trash cans.
The work the classes did from this assignment on Wed. was fresh and different:
let's stay with for a while longer.
See you next week, john.

Friday, November 8, 2013

John Murray classes week of Nov. 11, 2013

No Monday class due to Veteran's Day.

For Wednesday Supercharged painting:
Next week try working from a newspaper or magazine photo.
Of course the usual deconstruction/manipulation of the image into painterly terms is essential!
Above are 2 examples: Theophilus Brown's (a Bay Area figurative painter) 1956 football painting worked
from a sports photo and below that a painting that I did in the Summer of 2011 from a baseball photo.
Many great modernist and postmodernist painters work from published images.
Francis Bacon did it all the time.
See you next week. John.