Thursday, February 2, 2012

John Murray classes week of Feb. 6, 2012


I,ve always been fascinated by work that originates from the unconscious and finds a way to plastic representation.

All modern artists play with the edge between intention and the automatic/accidental. Even the exquisitally designed work of Matisse shows some of this unconscious

gesture and unintentional application of pigment. The tension between these impulses can result in strong work. I've posted a painting I did last week as a demonstration using acrylic mediums and charcoal and finished in oil paint. I gave no thought to the direction and use of material in terms of image until the final oil paint where I edited and pulled an image from the puddles and marks. I find it more expressive than work I drive from more intentional process. This week try a piece using your right brain and your left hand and see what happens.

See you next week, John.

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