Friday, August 31, 2012

John Murray classes week of September 10, 2012

Welcome to Oil and Acrylic Workshop (Mon. am), John Murray Medley (Mon. pm) and Supercharged Painting (Wed. am and pm). 
Please check the supply list that the New Art Center sent you, and bring enough materials to work at the first class. 
In my  classes I try to provide an opening into a personal visual language by an investigation into materials, and a practice of experimental plastic manipulation. Of course one has to have an honest and sincere (well at least honest!) desire to provide a surprising visual moment. A strenuously self-critical mind and eye helps a lot, too. 
Sounds easy? 
In simpler less pretentious terms: Art is an Investigation into Itself.
So relax, have fun and see you the first week of class.
Thank you for taking my class, John 

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